Survey Support
This is where you can access our support resources to distribute within your community and to enhance everyone’s understanding of the great work you’re doing with Resilient Youth. Download our helpful instructions and guidelines here.
Principal’s Checklist
This document outlines the key information the school principal or other key staff member should understand when undertaking a Survey with Resilient Youth Australia.
Survey Administration Information
A one-page document for the supervising teacher to ensure a simple and accurate surveying experience for your school community.
Parent Letter Template
Keep parents and families within your school community well informed with this letter template that outlines must-know details about the Survey.
Access Your School Portal
This one-page document is a quick-look guide to enable you to log in and access your individual school portal.
School Portal Tips
Get to know how to get the most from your school portal with this easy-to-follow guide full of support and tips for accessing and viewing your data.