Game Changers
Free sample for you to try
Active Level: *
Group is paired up and sit together at a table. Each person has a Cooties sheet, pen or pencil and each pair has a dice.
Each player takes turns in rolling the dice. The aim is to be the first in the group to complete the Cootie drawing. You must start by rolling a 6 to draw the body. Once the body is drawn legs, head and a tail can be added when a 4, 5 or 1 is rolled. Note that six legs must be drawn so a 4 must be rolled 6 times. Eyes and feelers cannot be added until a head is drawn.
When a complete Cootie is drawn the winner stands up and yells “COOTIES”. This signifies the end of the round.
At the end of the round everyone stops rolling and adds up their score -see sheet.
The winner in each pair (the one with the highest score) stands up and rotates to find a new partner for the next round.
As many rounds can be played as time and enthusiasm allows.
Equipment: Cooties Sheet and pen/pencil per player, one dice per pair.