Games to Grow Resilience
Designed to put the FUN back into the fundamentals of school teaching, Games to Grow Resilience is a one-day professional learning course that empowers you to help build teamwork, communication, self-confidence and creative thinking in your students.
Games to Grow Resilience held on November 30, 2018 in Mornington was attended by over 20 teachers from Primary and Secondary settings. We were joined by participants from Rye to Langwarrin who were nothing short of inspiring!
The topics, games and outcomes covered at Games to Grow Resilience assist teachers in engaging and extending your students, by incorporating fun and games into the curriculum. It’s important to be aware that games are an effective tool to address and assess your student’s Personal and Social Capabilities.
The teachers who took part in the Games to Grow Resilience professional learning day embraced the opportunity to build on their individual skills, learn new games and activities and will hopefully go on to share their experiences with other teachers.
The feedback received following Games to Grow Resilience included:
"Great set of games that are easy to implement in any classroom"
"Well paced, enjoyable and engaging"
"Useful games you can use right away"
"It was a wonderful day, I can bring this straight into the classroom"
"I love the little book of games"
"What a fun day!"
"Awesome day, so helpful and productive"
If you’re interested in attending a Games to Grow Resilience session, get in touch with to enquire.
Take a look at the pics from the day: